VENTORY Group S.p.A.

MMA/STICK, Gouging : Goldarc Series
Here is the Goldarc Series, industrial work machine, delivers premium stick welding and air carbon arc cutting (gouging). Its smooth, low spatter arc provides consistent result day-in and day-out for welding a wide variety of materials.
VS-620T is especially suited for critical welding applications using low hydrogen, cellulose and stainless steel electrodes. Proven, time-tested reliability makes this the power source for all types of stick welding needs.
Smooth, consistent arc.
Easy to set calibrated output knob.
Traditional design for demanding industrial environments.
Conserve floor space with stackable case design.
All weather protection for field construction.
Fan-cooled for extra thermal protection.

Process :-
- Air arc gouging
- DC TIG (Optional)
Welds :-
- Steel
- Stainless Steel
- Cast Iron
Typical Usage :-
- Tool/Die repair
- Maintenance
- Plant fabrication
- Vessel/ Tank/ Boiler Fabrication
- Automotive
- Home and Farm use
- Vocational
- Education
- Farm
- Hobbylist
- Heavy Industrial