VENTORY Group S.p.A.
In 1976, precisely on June 22nd, a man had a dream: to create a company capable of ensuring its Customers about product they were using. Certainty of technological innovation, technical development, operational perfection, the certainty of a unique style and an absolute service, as well as guarantee of unmatched reliability. This man was Alberto Sottoberno, founder of a perfect business system: VENTORY.
Today, with the same passion, we dedicate ourselves every day and we commit our efforts to achieve these goals. Over the years we have seen the Ventory’s system grow, develop and expand into international markets and acquire increasing support from our customers. This system has been renewing and developing during the time, by remaining loyal to the seriousness that our customers daily certify in their work. A three generations seriousness that results in future certainty.
VENTORY is a growing company. From 2003 to the present day we have had important growth in terms of turnover and technological development. We intend to maintain this trend over the next years. The challenges, however, are not over. We have only just begun. In addition to the manufacturing of welding equipment, our current core business which marks our production since 1976, A sector where we can apply 30 years experience gained in the INVERTER development
The VENTORY product range satisfies the most demanding requests, by guaranteeing perfection, technological development, rational design, in compliance with all European and global regulation. Thanks to our experience in designing, manufacturing and installing plant, together with the steady research for new technologies, and in monitoring our customers’s needs in Italy and abroad,
VENTORY Group makes sure to remain a leading manufacturer. Our vocation toward technology excellence at the highest level is underlined in our production processes and services.
Our confidence is boosted by the approval we every day receive.